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Exit 22:  Right Back Home

"This Round's On Me" is inspired by the notion that we always have a chance to turn things around in our lives - the title not only reflects buying drinks for your friend's, but that you are capable of turning things around on your own. This one is dedicated to those who have had a long journey over the last 2 years and await the tremendous positive changes they are pushing for in their lives!

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Exit 22: This Round's On Me

"This Round's On Me" is inspired by the notion that we always have a chance to turn things around in our lives - the title not only reflects buying drinks for your friend's, but that you are capable of turning things around on your own. This one is dedicated to those who have had a long journey over the last 2 years and await the tremendous positive changes they are pushing for in their lives!

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Exit 22: 99 Ways (To Break Up)

"99 Ways (To Break Up)" is a story inspired by our current "Ghosting" culture. The song tells the story of someone who is embarrassed for being ghosted by an interest, and comes up with various crazy tales of the breakup that are all far from the truth.


Exit 22: Where You Come From

"Where You Come From" is inspired by the notion that no matter where we wind up in life, our "roots" are always there to keep us grounded and bring us stability. This one is dedicated to those who have had a long journey from home, followed a dream, or tried to find the off-beaten path!

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Exit 22: Survive

Exit 22's "Survive" is a story about the will to move forward after a difficult run of continuous loss.  Inspired by layoffs, ghosting and continued failures, the song can be a positive reminder to those that are struggling - the other side will always be better as long as you are willing to try and "Survive".

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Exit 22: Egyptian Goddess

Exit 22's "Egyptian Goddess" is a story about self-confidence and being "who you want to be" in a world of copycats and phonies.  The track's lyrics are based on an old friend who felt her best and most confident when she wore her unique perfume, "Egyptian Goddess".

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Exit 22: Just As You Are

Exit 22's "Just As You Are" is a story of standing your ground and never deviating from your core values.  The track is based on 3 individuals whose efforts to balance their struggles, while standing firm with their beliefs, led them to demonstrate tremendous value and pride in the wake of difficult decision-making.

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Exit 22: Lesson Learned

Exit 22's "Lesson Learned" is a story about betrayal in a relationship, along with the recovery of confidence and empowerment that follows.  This track is based on a disastrous divorce that helped one individual create a unique identity for themselves in the aftermath.

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Exit 22: Break These Chains

Exit 22's "Break These Chains" is about finding your way out of a difficult situation that has left you feeling trapped.  All of us can find a place in our lives where we have felt locked down, and having the confidence to break free is critical to living the life we are meant to live.

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Exit 22: The Magic In You

Exit 22's "The Magic In You" is a story about seeing the perfect nature of your partner and feeling the magical vibes that they give off when they are around.  Feeling proud and confident around this person makes life very much worth living each day.

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Exit 22: Before I Fall

Exit 22's "Before I Fall" is a story of setting yourself out on a path to fall in love, knowing it is going to leave you behind and alone very quickly.  We have all helplessly fallen for someone in the past, and this song is a strong representation of what that descent feels like to our psyche and confidence.

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Exit 22: Last Goodbye

Exit 22's "Last Goodbye" is a story of cheating told through the eyes of social media.  During the time of Facebook and Instagram, we've seen relationships falter in one way or another, and this track represents how easy it is to get caught cheating in our digital world.

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Exit 22: Double Life

Exit 22's "Double Life" is a story about living in the boring, 9 to 5 world while striving to get out and release your inner soul to the world.  It is a challenge for most people to survive in the mainstream world when they are keeping their real passions bottled up - this song represents that divide perfectly.

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Exit 22: Love Is a Torniquet

Exit 22's "Love Is A Touriquet" is an intense story about the different ways love takes hold and keeps us alive emotionally.  Co-writer Brent Swarthout builds the lyrics perfectly for this track, constructing an image of the many ways we use love-based actions to keep our emotional health stable.

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Exit 22: I Am Waiting

Exit 22's "I Am Waiting" is a story about love and lust, sharing the intimate details of what it is like to wait for your lover to come home to you.   The dynamic musical track and production are perfect backdrops for the lyrics' imagery about the encounter about to take place.

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Exit 22: Dangerously Sweet

Exit 22's "Dangerously Sweet" is the story of falling for the exact type of person that you know is the opposite of what you want in life.  The lyrical message shares the details of that person's traits that you love, but know are oh-so-bad to fall for once again.

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Exit 22: Day's End

Exit 22's "Day's End" is a re-imagining of the original song that the band wrote and recorded back in 2000.  The inception of Exit 22 is based on this song, which was put together during a church tour in Europe.  The song is about faith and hope when you get lost in a sea of challenges that the world throws at us.

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Exit 22: Stop

Exit 22's "Stop" is a story of self-reflection and honesty, with the lyrical message driving home questions about who you have become and what type of person you "actually" want to be.  Anyone who has looked at themselves in the mirror and asked similar questions can relate to this song with ease.


Exit 22: Mistake Of The Year

Exit 22's "Mistake of the Year" is a story about getting rid of the person in your life that has been detrimental in every way.  Even though up front it looked like a great idea, the lyrical message drives home the point that this person needs to go, and has been a huge time waste throughout the past year.

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Exit 22: The Singles (20 Anniversary)

Exit 22's "The Singles" is a collection of tracks released by Exit 22 in celebration of the 20th anniversary of their musical journey.  The album includes all of the singles released by Exit 22 since 2012, along with re-masters of 3 of Exit 22's singles from their original "Trapped In Time" album.


Exit 22: Acoustic Sessions (20 Anniversary)

Exit 22's "Acoustic Sessions" is a collection of tracks released by Exit 22 in celebration of the 20th anniversary of their musical journey.  The album includes all of the "unplugged" versions of their releases since 2012, along with re-masters of 3 of Exit 22's acoustic tracks from their original "Trapped In Time" album.

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Exit 22: If You Call

Exit 22's "The Singles" is a collection of tracks released by Exit 22 in celebration of the 20th anniversary of their musical journey.  The album includes all of the singles released by Exit 22 since 2012, along with re-masters of 3 of Exit 22's singles from their original "Trapped In Time" album.


Contact Information

  • Exit 22 Music @ Youtube
  • Exit 22 Music @ Facebook

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